團體諮商與一群同學(通常是6 -12位),在專業的心理師帶領下,針對某一項主題進行活動,進而交流彼此的經驗和想法、學習自我探索和覺察,團體時間通常每週一次,每次1.5~2個小時,會連續進行六次。在六次的團體聚會中,團體提供提供溫暖接納的氣氛,讓同學可以學習到如何表達自己、認識自己、和其他同學相互分享和回應,促進個人心靈成長。
Group Counseling
Group counseling refers to a group of students (usually 6-12), led by a professional psychologist, engaging in specific themed activities. Through these activities, members interact with others, exchange experiences and thoughts, and learn self-exploration and awareness. The group typically meets once a week for 1.5-2 hours, 6 times a row. During these 6 sessions, the group provides a warm and supportive environment that encourages members to express and understand themselves, respond to others sharing, and promote personal mental growth.
Workshops are similar to group counseling. Under the leadership of professional psychologists, participants engage in specific themed activities. They share internal experiences and feelings through interactions, thereby increasing self-awareness and promoting self-growth. The difference is that workshop activities usually held in one day and last 6-8 hours.