113學年度第2學期  團體諮商/工作坊活動

113-2 counseling groups/ workshops


The purpose of group counseling/workshops


團體諮商並不嚴肅,反而可以在有趣的活動與自在的交談中, 幫助我們更了解自己與他人,並學習不同主題的知識和能力!


Group counseling is neither serious nor dumb! Here you will find yourself learning useful things about a specific topic you care about during interesting activities and conversations. You will also learn more about yourself as well as meeting many good friends. Check out what events catch your interest and join us! 

113學年度第2學期  團體諮商/工作坊活動

113-2 counseling groups/ workshops


01 《紓壓輕旅,舒暢行――壓力管理、紓壓與放鬆訓練團體》

02 和自己談場「練」愛吧!—親密關係探索團體

03 情緒「桌」迷藏——桌遊情緒增能團體


01 《微光對話,共築心景》微景觀蠟燭伴侶增溫工作坊

02 《香徑.夢途》夢境探索調香工作坊

03 告別亂糟糟,從「心」斷捨離-人生整理工作坊

04 家的遠近:探索關係中舒適界限工作坊

05 「遇.我.內在秘境」自我接納工作坊


international/ overseas student workshop

01 「香氣拾光:從異鄉走入內在」(境外生)故事調香工作坊
“Fragrance of moments: from foreign land to the inner self” (international students) handmade perfume workshop

02 「異鄉共燭.微景語心」(境外生)人際微景觀蠟燭工作坊
“Candlelight in a foreign land and heartfelt conversations” (international students) interpersonal micro-landscape candle workshop

03 「學業地圖:繪製你的時間航線」境外生學習增能工作坊
“Academic map: charting your time journey” (international students) enhancing learning and managing time workshop

04 「在異國扎根:尋找自我之路」境外生適應工作坊
“Rooting in a forgeign land: the journey to self-discovery” (international students) adaptation workshop

05 「心海泛舟:共度黑夜」境外生失落調適工作坊



本校學生:請登入「校務行政入口」→ 學務相關系統 → 諮商輔導服務e化系統


To register for groups or workshops, please use the ‘online system’ to register.
For any registration-related questions, please contact the Student Counseling Center at 02-7749-5363 (Service hours: Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:30).
Students to register for groups or workshops: Please log in to the “NTNU Portal” → Student Affairs Related System → Counseling service system

💻 Registration is only available via the web version.